Here at Crest we make sure we have the most up-to-date information and understanding to benefit our clients.

Recently four of our paraplanners attended a workshop held by AMP in Sydney to enhance their knowledge.

Jake Muras, Mitchell Brown, Tegan Delmoro and Jessica Deamer attended the AMP Paraplanning Essentials Workshop at the AMP St. Leonards Office, where they learnt a number of skills to increase efficiency.

The four received updates on Statement of Advice writing, the use of the program DRAFT, and Xplan modelling tools. They learnt how to write technical advice in an improved way and also how to help ensure an adviser’s work is compliant.

They also found it was good to see how paraplanners from other companies operate, and took away some tips to better their own workings.

The paraplanners all agreed it was a great, informative day and believe their new learnings will benefit the service we provide our clients even more.

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