Crest Accounting
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Time to get your Tax Return Done

Have you lodged your tax return for the 2019/20 Financial Year? Recently, there have been many changes to the way we are living and working, which has in turn also affected our tax affairs.

Act Now: ATO Lodgement Penalty Amnesty ends 31 December 2023

The Crest team firmly believe that the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, and the complexities that this brings, means it’s more important than ever to seek informed advice. By completing your tax return yourself, you may be at risk of making mistakes, or not receiving the full benefit of available tax deductions. The 2019/20 year has seen a dramatic increase in people who work from home, and this is just one area where deductions have been made available however under strict guidelines, with supporting evidence to be maintained. The team at Crest know exactly what you can claim, and what records must be retained by you, and will advise the best way to do this.

When engaging a Registered Tax Agent, you receive the benefit of an extended time period to lodge your tax return, with most returns lodged through an agent not due until 15 May 2021. In addition, the costs you incur in managing your tax affairs through a tax agent are tax deductible in the year you incur them.

Crest have a team of experienced accountants, across our Newcastle, East Maitland and Nelson Bay offices, who are ready to meet with you, so please call us on 02 4933 3466 to make an appointment today.

Remote Tax return option:
Given the current COVID-19 restrictions and potential health implications, we also offer a remote tax lodgement services, using a combination of phone, zoom and email. Please let us know when booking your appointment, the most suitable option for yourself and your situation.